Google Earth Concept Drawings as demonstrated at the May-June, 2007 Public Hearing Open House Presentations. Instructions for download and use (.pdf). Please retain these instructions for use with the Google Earth file. When Google Earth has been successfully installed on your machine, click this link to download the Google Earth Concept Drawings (.zip file) and proceed per the instructions. |
May-June, 2007: Public Hearing Open House Presentation (.swf) This file will require the free Adobe Flash reader available here. This is a large and complex file and will be a lengthy download.
October 26, 2006: Station Area Development Planning Presentation (.pdf) |
July 20, 2006: Station Area Development Planning Presentation (.pdf) |
June 8, 2006: Station Area Development Planning Presentation (.pdf) |
May 19, 2006: Trucking Industry Forum Presentation (.pdf) |
April 25, 2006: Public Information Open House Presentation (.pps). If you do not have Microsoft Powerpoint loaded on your computer, downloading and running this .exe file will allow you to view the presentation.
March 2, 2006: Station Area Development Planning Presentation (.pdf) |
February 2, 2006: Station Area Planning Presentation (.pdf) |
November 15, 2005: Public Information Open House Presentation (.pdf) |